Increase in Online Contest Popularity Reflects Increase in Web Education

Internet is just a decade old in India with developments happening every micro second. Standing in the 21st century, India still has a large portion of illiterate or technological handicapped countrymen. This proves as a big hindrance in the comprehensive growth of the nation and affects the development. But, not all is grim and gloomy now as internet has seen a behemoth increase in its usage in the past few years. According to popular surveys and researches, Internet is in a prospering mode today and the web bug is biting people from every nook-and-corner of the country.

People today are not as technologically handicapped as they were few years back. The mammoth hike in the number of participants in online contests in India today is a proof of the growth. It is a welcome change as the entire globe is the witness to the unquestionable power web as a medium has. A country can prosper only when its citizens are technologically adept and the increase in number of users playing online contests to win Android mobile and other goodies reflects that. India as a force is very powerful and is a nation having a strong human resource. The need of the hour is to tap this resource and put it to effective use for optimum results.

Furthermore, literacy and knowledge are two driving factors that formulate and successful nation with international standing. If we compare the statistics of the year 1999 and 2010, we notice a dramatic jump in the number of online users who take part in online contests to play and win prizes. Though not all can be winners, but the numerical data is itself a big energy pumping factor. Growing reliance of people on World Wide Web and the sudden surge in quick fix methods to get luxury products are proving good for the nation's economy.

More the number of citizens educated, more will be human resource contribution, which in turn will lead to development of an IT nation. The story doesn't end here, the popularity of online contest is also remodeling standards of living. As more and more people now have a chance to grab expensive products which otherwise were distant dreams, the gap between the elite class and middle-class is fast diminishing. After all, how would it have been possible for an average middle-class person to get a cool new Android mobile with latest functions and features?

Preeminent portals hosting such contests to win Android mobile in India are major contributors in web traffic and amount for huge profits. All such contests have made winning seem so easy that people who earlier were alien to the web are also switching to this technological marvel to try their luck. Indian web industry is in a flourishing phase with loads happening all around. The energies are high, opportunities are abundant and prospects are expanding. The need of the moment is to tap the right chords, synchronize energies and come up with innovative plans to work on knowledge and web education expansion.

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